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News & Events

​7 February 2018

SJU Performance Workshop

INTUIT participated in the ATM Performance Workshop hosted at the SESAR JU premises on 7th February 2018.  The objectives of the workshop were to increase awareness of the results of SESAR Exploratory Research projects working on performance assessment, discuss issues and needs related to the evolution of the SESAR Performance Framework, identify potential direct uptake of SESAR ER project results, and discuss future research needs. Attendees of the workshop included representatives from SESAR Industrial Research PJ.19 and PJ20, SESAR Exploratory Research projects APACHE, AURORA, COCTA, COMPAIR, INTUIT and VISTA, EUROCONTROL, SESAR 2020 Knowledge Transfer Network (ENGAGE), the SESAR JU and the SESAR Scientific Committee.

28-30 November 2017

The INTUIT project team participated in the 7th SESAR Innovation Days, which were hosted by the University of Belgrade, Serbia, from 28 to 30 November 2017. The SESAR Innovation Days are the main forum for dissemination of SESAR 2020 Exploratory Research results and for interaction with the wider ATM research community and industry representatives. Our paper "Combining Visual Analytics and Machine Learning for Route Choice Prediction: Application to Pre-Tactical Traffic Forecast" (R. Marcos, O.G. Cantú Ros and R. Herranz) was presented by Rodrigo Marcos (Nommon). We also presented a poster prepared in collaboration with the other SESAR ER Performance projects, AURORA and APACHE, summarising the work being conducted by the three projects.

7th SESAR Innovation Days

​21 November 2017

2nd INTUIT Stakeholder Workshop

The 2nd INTUIT Stakeholder Workshop took place on 21st November 2017 at the SJU facilities in Brussels. The main results of the performance modelling work developed by INTUIT were presented and discussed with INTUIT Advisory Board,  experts from the SJU, and representatives from the two other SESAR Exploratory Research projects dealing with ATM performance, AURORA and APACHE, with the aim of gathering feedback and recommendations for the last phase of the project and discuss the potential applicability of the project findings.

​23 March 2017​

INTUIT Intermediate Review

The INTUIT Mid Term Review was successfully held in Brussels on 23rd March. The work done so far and the specification of the INTUIT case studies were presented by the Project Coordinator, Ricardo Herranz (Nommon), and the work plan for the second half of the project was discussed.

​19 January 2017​

AURORA-APACHE-INTUIT Coordination Meeting

The three SESAR Exploratory Research projects dealing with ATM performance, INTUIT, AURORA and APACHE, held a coordination meeting at the CRIDA facilities in Madrid on 19th January. The goal of the meeting was to identify the synergies and room for collaboration between the three projects. The agreed actions include a case study  focused on flight efficiency jointly developed by the three projects, several joint publications, and the organisation of a workshop on ATM performance at the beginning of 2018.

​8-10 November 2016​

7th SESAR Innovation Days

The INTUIT project team participated in the 6th SESAR Innovation Days, which were hosted by the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, from 8 to 10 November 2016. The SESAR Innovation Days are the main forum for dissemination of SESAR 2020 Exploratory Research results and for interaction with the wider ATM research community and industry representatives. Our paper "Visual Analytics and Machine Learning for Air Traffic Management Performance Modelling: Preliminary Findings of the INTUIT Project and Prospects for Future Research" (R. Marcos, D. Toribio, N. Alsina, L. Garrigó, N. Andrienko, G. Andrienko, L. Piovano, T. Blondiau and R. Herranz) was presented by Rodrigo Marcos (Nommon). We also presented a poster summarising the research objectives, approach and expected results of the INTUIT project.

​10 June 2016​

1st INTUIT Stakeholder Workshop

The 1st INTUIT Stakeholder Workshop was held on 10th June 2016 at ALG facilities in Barcelona. The workshop had a threefold purpose: present the project to the members of the INTUIT Advisory Board and collect their feedback on the proposed approach; present the review of ATM performance data sources conducted during the first three months of the project and collect suggestions on other databases potentially interesting for the project; and discuss the qualitative analysis of ATM performance drivers and trade-offs conducted by the INTUIT project team and gather inputs on the research questions to be investigated within the project, in order to ensure their relevance and their alignment with the interests of the different stakeholders concerned with ATM performance.

​17 March 2016​

INTUIT Kick-off Meeting

The INTUIT kick-off meeting took place on 17th March 2016​ at the SJU facilities in Brussels. Representatives of all the INTUIT partners and the SJU gathered to review in detail the project objetives and work plan, and discuss the scientific/technical approach of the different project activities.

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